Pacific Rim Auto Repair

Auto Repair, Brake Repair and Auto Mechanic

Complete range of car care services at affordable rates.

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Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Services
Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Services
Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Services
Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Services

Automotive Repair in Sonoma, Petaluma and Santa Rosa

Pacific Rim Auto Repair is the one-stop auto repair shop you need, providing a complete range of car care services at affordable rates. Fully equipped to handle all of your maintenance and repair needs, our state-of-the-art automotive center offers computer diagnostics, factory scheduled maintenance checks, quick turnaround times and certified general mechanics to tackle any issue on all makes and models of any foreign or domestic vehicle. For exceptional client care, impeccable services and competitive rates Pacific Rim Auto Repair is the company for you. We take care of car troubles and have our clients back on the road in no time.

Pacific Rim Auto Repair services include:

  • Oil and filter changes
  • Radiator repair
  • Auto glass repair and replacement
  • Brake check and repair
  • Engine repair
  • Tire services
  • Tire rotation and wheel alignment
  • Inspection and preventative maintenance
  • Check engine light diagnostics and repair
  • Battery and electrical repairs


I can not say enough nice things about Pacific Rim Auto. From the rockstar handling the scheduled repairs to the mechanics taking great care of you car. It’s the small details that will keep you coming back. You can trust they will do their best to get you back out on the road safely.

— Allison Hubbs

The best mechanic in sonoma county! Great service and employees are wonderful! I won't go anywhere else! Absolutely love this shop!

— Elizabeth Hardesty

Respectful people working on cars at this place. They are very busy for a good reason; they have all the tools needed along with the know how and work ethic. If you know nothing about automobiles bring yours here and waste no time.

— Signore Derek

Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Center

Complete Automotive Services

Pacific Rim Auto Repair is committed to ensuring the safety of our customers on the road and extending the life of their car, truck or SUV. Our auto repair shop meets strict industry standards for service excellence and provides detailed estimates and qualified guidance to assist you in making informed decisions for car repair.

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Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Center

Reliable Car Mechanics

Nothing is quite scarier than being on the road, peacefully driving your car to work or the store, when suddenly something happens to your vehicle. Whether an emergency light goes on for seemingly no reason, your brakes start giving you trouble or your car has been in an accident, we can help. Our specialized mechanics will thoroughly check your vehicle for issues and identify the problem right away. Going above and beyond what is required in order to figure out a budget oriented solution to our customers. Pacific Rim Auto Repair provides full service repairs and diagnostics, working hard to service the community with the best methods available on the market.

Honest Automotive Professionals

From basic preventative maintenance, to full service repairs from a certified auto mechanic, Pacific Rim Auto Repair is your best choice for quality car care. Our team of mechanics are highly skilled when it comes to automotive repairs and maintenance. We pride ourselves on delivering quality services and exceptional client care. If you’re in need of a reliable automotive company, you’ve come to the right place!

Pacific Rim Auto Repair Auto Center

Visit the service pages on this site for more information and call us to schedule an inspection or maintenance check.